Make Sure your Fashion Store Stands Out from the Crowd
When things get tough it's often hard to remember why you started. When you're drowning in paperwork, figures and the latest sales initiatives it can be hard to see beyond the next task at hand. Whether you own a fashion retail chain or a small independent boutique, it's safe to assume that you started out with a desire to share your love of fashion... -
Sweatshops and Million Dollar Bonuses – the Boohoo Slavery Scandal
Boohoo was making headlines again yesterday, but this time not for the right reasons. Just a couple of weeks ago industry experts were looking to the e-commerce giant as a shining example of how to triumph during the Covid19 crisis, as it closed its first quarter with a 45% increase on sales over the previous year and topped off its success by snapping up... -
Empty Stores and Deserted Shopping Centres – the Dystopian Future of the High Street?
John Lewis announced yesterday the re-opening of another 10 stores but advised that not of all of their remaining 18 stores will open again, leading to further fears of job cuts and a growing crisis in the retail industry. The 156 year old department store empire added its name to an ever growing list of retail giants which have announced closures and job cuts...